ALWAYS Staying Ahead of The Game
20 years ago, I stepped into the life insurance industry.
Back then, I only entered because of a simple reason.
A close friend of mine battled breast cancer for a good 4 years but she lost to the Big C.
Since then, I told myself that if I can’t prevent death and illnesses, the next best thing I can do is to help more people and their families be prepared for such circumstances in life. ❤️
Many people have asked me,
“Eunice, you were a top performer already as a sales engineer in a corporation. How did you transit to now leading over 150+ top consultants and always staying ahead of the game in Singapore and the region?”
For me, I believe it’s all about knowing my purpose.
In this upcoming radio show ON next Tuesday 10th Nov 9PM SGT with CNA938 show host, Eugene Loh and #SingaporeStories
I’ll share my personal back stories as the leader of the largest group in my company, mummy of two beautiful girls, wife and daughter.
We often ask — can women have it all?
I like to think so. 💯